You might be getting two images, one smaller on the right, and a larger version on the left. This is the typical layout for the crop interface in BP. But you won’t be getting the crop selection tool. In Chrome, right click on the page and click “Inspect Element”. If you see an error icon in the bottom right corner, click on it to find out if you are dealing with Jcrop not loading. If that isn’t it, go back to your search engine and type that error into your query to help you find the solution you really need.
If you are getting this error: “Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘Jcrop'” in a BuddyPress Multisite installation of WordPress, make sure you aren’t using ThickBox. The ThickBox plugin is usually one of my first plugins for sites, and it works great in both basic WP installs, even with BP, but it doesn’t work on Multisite. Something in there is leaving an open script, I believe. If you find out a way to fix ThickBox, let me know in the comments – I bet it isn’t too hard. A great alternative is FancyBox for WordPress.